Josiah DuPont
The DuPont family was among the early settlers of the area around Charleston, S.C., according to research prepared by several members of the family.
Josiah DuPont's family resided in Liberty CO, GA about 1785 and moved to the St. Augustine area in St Johns CO, FL, about 1791. Some members of the family also migrated from the area around Grahamville, S.C. to St. Johns County, Fla.
Josiah DuPont was a surveyor during the second Spanish Regime. He received a grant for a large tract of land from the King of Spain in St. Johns County in 1792 in what is the northeast corner of present Flagler County. He occupied the land and made improvements as required by the conditions of the grant. He was said to have 27 slaves and his profession was given as "planter."
It is recorded that in 1802, because of the Indian troubles, "he moved his family to Carolina." The old land grants state Josiah left "in 1802 because of unrest" and the "government re-granted the land."
Josiah DuPont was born about 1742, SC and died about 1802, NC, son of Abraham DuPont Jr (1699-1760) and his wife Jane Elizabeth DuPre (not to be confused with the Abraham DuPont who moved to Matanzas in 1823), married 01 April 1766, Charleston, SC to Anne Goodbe DuPont (first cousins), dau of Gideon DuPont (1712-1789) and his wife Ann Goodbe. Issue;
1. Abraham Cornelius DuPont
2. Elizabeth (Anna) Goodbee DuPont, born 15 Mar 1768, GA, died 22 Dec 1854, Coosa CO, AL, married 07 Oct 1800, St Augustine, St Johns CO, FL, Augustenus Buyck, son of Peter, born 28 Aug 1761, Ghent, Belgium, died 22 Jan 1824, Orangeburg, SC. Issue;
(1) Eliza Ann Buyck, born 22 Jan 1806, died 27 Jan 1885, Titus, Elmore CO, AL, probably, married about 1829, Samuel Spigener, born 20 Sep 1807, died 20 Jul 1881, Titus, Elmore CO, AL, probably. Issue;
A. Eliza Mary Margaret Spigener, born 15 Jan 1835, Buckvillie Coosa CO, AL, died 16 Mar 1916, married 22 Dec 1858, Coosa CO, AL, Isaac Cunningham Hall, son of John Cunningham Hall and Mary Moore
3. Jane DuPont, born about 1775
4. Rebecca DuPont, born about 1789
5. Mary Magdalena DuPont, born about 1790
6. Gideon DuPont, born about 1872
Several members of the family have conducted extensive research on the different branches of the DuPont family and the above is just a short piece to identify the Josiah DuPont who received the grant of land that is part of present Flagler County.
One theory states the Abraham who came to the area in about 1825 is the above Abraham, the son of Josiah - another theory states he was the son of Charles the brother of Josiah.
Source: The First Families of Flagler by Mary Ketus Deen Holland who cited as her sources, Published Articles, Land Record and Family Records.
Additional sources (and not really any research) used by the compiler were: Augustenus Buyck family information posted on; Abraham DuPont, Jr family information posted on; John Cunningham Hall family information posted on; Samuel Spigener family information posted on
Please send questions, corrections or additions to Sisco Deen, P.O. Box 637, Flagler Beach, FL 32136 or email him at