George Washington Durrance

George Washington Durrance, son of William Irvan Durrance and Louvinia L Prescott, was born 27 Sep 1850, Middleburg, Clay CO, FL, died 04 Mar 1940, Glendale Hospital, Palatka, Putnam CO, FL, buried Hope, now Flagler Palms Memorial Gardens, Flagler CO, FL, married 15 Nov 1876, DeLand, Volusia CO, FL, Dora Elizabeth Helms, dau of John Helms, born 04 Jul 1862, Guilford, NC, died 20 Dec 1924, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, buried Durrance Cemetery, Espanola, re-interred Hope, now Flagler Palms Memorial Gardens, Flagler CO, FL

According to some miscellaneous recollections of older residents of the area the family moved to Espanola, FL about 1890 from San Mateo, Putnam CO, FL. The family is listed on page 78 of the 1900 census, residing in Espanola with his occupation given as "Farmer." In the 1910 census they are listed on pages 52/53.

In the 1920 census of Flagler County, George W. Durrance is found on page 16, Dora is found on page 9, residing in Precinct No. 1, with his occupation still listed as "Farmer." At one time he was postmaster at Espanola. The Bunnell Home Builder has several accounts of G. W. Durrance bringing produce into Bunnell stores.

While not a Confederate Soldier, he was granted a pension by the State of Florida through the following legislation:

AN ACT Granting a Pension to Geo. W Durrance of Flagler County, Florida

WHEREAS, Geo. W. Durrance of Flagler County, Florida, is 84 years of age; and

WHEREAS, the said Geo. W. Durrance during the Civil War served the Confederate Army by herding and driving cattle to feed the soldiers and underwent hardships and dangers in having to swim such cattle across the St. Johns River at East Palatka; and

WHEREAS, the said Geo. W. Durrance took the place of a soldier who was supposed to herd and swim such cattle; and

WHEREAS, the said Geo, W. Durrance rendered valuable assistance and aid to the soldiers of the Confederacy and to the Confederate Cause; therefore


Section 1. That the State Board of Pensions of the State of Florida be, and it is hereby authorized and directed to place the name of said Geo. W. Durrance of Flagler County, Florida, upon the pension roll of this State to be paid a pension in the same manner and in the same amount that other pensioners of the State of Florida are now or may hereafter be paid.

Section 2. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and they are hereby repealed in so far as this special pension is concerned.

Section 3. This Act shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Governor, or upon its becoming a law with such approval. (NOTE: Became a law without the Governor's approval and was filed in Office of Secretary of State, June 10, 1935).


1. Arthur Washington Durrance, born 05 Jan 1877, died 04 Aug 1954, married Rosa Leah Brooks (see sketch on Arthur Washington Durrance for additional information on this family)

2. Julia Elizabeth (Jewell) Durrance, born 01 Jan 1880, San Mateo, Putnam CO, FL, died 01 Mar 1926, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL, married FNU Ritchie. Issue;

(1) Stella

(2) Unnamed Son Ritchie

(3) Horace George Ritchie, born 27 Sep 1906, FL, died 21 Oct 1982, Volusia CO, FL, buried Hope Cemetery, now Flagler Palms Memorial Gardens, Flagler CO, FL

Julia Durrance Ritchie married 2nd before 1920 (according to the 1920 census) Wesley Silcox, son of Henry L Silcox and Jane Burney, born 28 Sep 1892, Tocoi, Clay CO, GA, died 28 Jul 1982, Alachua CO, FL.

Wesley Silcox married 2nd, about 1928, Leonice LNU, born about 1901, FL

3. Anna Eula (Annie) Durrance, born 05 Feb 1883, San Mateo, Putnam CO, FL, died 17 Apr 1951, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, buried Hope Cemetery, now Flagler Palms Memorial Gardens, Flagler CO, FL, married May 1899, Espanola, St Johns now Flagler CO, FL, James Daniel Rushing, son of Matthew Rushing and Wealthy Ann Bennett, born 06 Apr 1878, Seville, Volusia CO, FL, died 06 Mar 1943, West Palm Beach, Palm Beach, FL, buried there. Issue;

(1) Edith Annie Rushing, born 01 Dec 1899, Espanola, St Johns now Flagler CO, FL, died 01 Nov 1939, Miami, Dade CO, FL, buried Hope Cemetery now Flagler Palms Memorial Gardens, Flagler CO, FL, married Jan 1918, Gordon Sterling (Jack) Conklin, died 1934, Palm Beach CO, FL

(2) James Daniel Rushing, Jr, born 04 Jul 1902, Flagler CO, FL, died 09 Oct 1940, Stuart, Martin CO, FL, married about 1921, Clara Elizabeth White, born 27 Sep 1905, NE, died 05 Feb 1983, Stuart, Martin CO, FL. Issue;

A. Garnett Rushing, born about 1923, FL

(3) Dora Pansy Rushing, born 24 Dec 1905, FL, died 11 Apr 1987, Flagler CO, FL, buried Hope Cemetery, now Flagler Palms Memorial Gardens, Flagler CO, FL, married Charles Henry Baker

Dora Pansy Rushing married 06 Jan 1931, Floyd Harold Burmeister

Dora Pansy Rushing married 23 Dec 1940, Lewis Calvin Park

Dora Pansy Rushing married 16 Feb 1946, William Dewey Jones, born 1919

4. John Ernest Durrance, born 01 Sep 1885, San Mateo, Putnam CO, FL, died 13 Sep 1968, Bunnell General Hospital, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, married Julia Ann Davis, dau of Daniel W Davis and Syren LNU, born 16 May 1898, Springhill, Champaign CO, OH, died 05 Mar 1975, Bunnell General Hospital, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, buried Hope now Flagler Palms Memorial Gardens, Flagler CO, FL. Issue;

(1) Bertie Opal Durrance, born 05 Feb 1921, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, died 04 Jul 1997, Ormond Beach, Volusia CO, FL, married 01 May 1937, Magnolia Gardens, Flagler CO, FL by Rev J A Partridge, Lloyd Lester Ferrell, son of Abe (Harry) Ferrell and Martha May Solana, born 15 Mar 1915, San Mateo, Putnam CO, FL, died 23 Oct 1956, Port Orange, Volusia CO, FL. He operated a poultry farm with his parents in San Mateo, Putnam CO, FL in May 1937 (Div-1943)

(2) John William (Buck) Durrance, born 05 Feb 1923, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, died 30 Dec 1992, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, married Betty Spicie Damron, dau of David M Damron & Georgia Martin, born 07 Apr 1919, Logan, Wayne CO, WV, died 10 Mar 1980, Flagler CO, FL. Both buried Hope, now Flagler Palms Memorial Gardens, Flagler CO, FL.

The Flagler Tribune
Bunnell, Florida
Thursday, October 5, 1944


By Sgt. Joseph P. Donahue,
Marine Combat Correspondent

PELELIU, PALAU (Delayed) - Haggard and worn after three days in the front lines, Marine Corporal JOHN W. DURRANCE, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Durrance of Flagler Beach, walked wearily into a beach station. He had been serving as a rifleman and stretcher bearer. "I'm really an assistant cook," he explained to an officer. "I thought perhaps I'd be able to help out on the chow line for a while." But he was given the rest he deserved.

Betty was priviously married to Homer Marcum and they had a daughter, Janelle, born 15 Jan 1937 in Wayne CO, WV.

(3) Mildred Lorea Durrance, born 12 Sep 1925, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, died 22 May 1926, Penny Farms, Clay CO, FL, buried Hope now Flagler Palms Memorial Gardens, Flagler CO, FL

(4) Nina Lillian Durrance, born 15 Jul 1927, FL, died 17 Nov 1998, Flagler CO, FL, married 1941, Brevard CO, FL, Jessie Willard Spivey, son of Manning Spivey and Lillie Bell Kirkland, born 20 Dec 1922, Douglas, Coffee CO, GA, 23 Aug 2003, Halifax Hospital, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL. Both buried Espanola Cemetery, Espanola, Flagler CO, FL. Issue;

A. Charlotte June Spivey, born 17 Oct 1942, died 25 Jan 1997, Volusia CO, FL, married 26 Nov 1958, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, Jimmy Hays (Div-May 1968)

Charlotte June Spivey married 2nd, 04 Dec 1970, FNU Vickers

B. Judith (Judy) Spivey, born 04 Nov 1943, Klock’s Hospital, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL, married Nov 1960, Flagler CO, FL John Dodgen, son of James Clifford Dodgen and Rhoda Ella, born 15 Mar 1938 (probably in TN), died 13 Apr 1997, buried Espanola Cemetery, Espanola, Flagler CO, FL. Sp4 Dodgen served with the U. S. Army in Vietnam. Issue;

a. Joey Dodgen

b. Gary Wayne Dodgen, born 26 Aug 1967, Memorial Hospital, Ormond Beach, Volusia CO, FL, married 31 Oct 1987, Flagler CO, FL, Allyson LNU (Div-2 Jun 1993)

C. Earnest Willard (Ernie) Spivey, born Mar 1945, Douglas, Coffee CO, GA, married 29 Jul 1963, Blackshear, Pierce CO, GA, Debra Sue King

D. David Austin Spivey, born about 1948

E. Joseph Kenneth Spivey, born 10 Oct 1951, died 30 Jun 1979, Alachua CO, FL, buried Espanola Cemetery, Espanola, Flagler CO, FL, married FNU Cunningham. Issue;

a. Julie Ann Spivey, born Feb 1975, FL, married 23 Oct 1993, Flagler CO, FL (unknown)

Julia Ann Davis married 1st, 13 Jun 1916, Granite City, Madison CO, IL, Nathaniel Arthur Stagner

5. Dora Sarah Lavinia (Aunt Sing) Durrance, born 09 Apr 1887, San Mateo, Putnam CO, FL, died 05 Mar 1971, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL, buried Hope now Flagler Palms Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Flagler CO, FL, married William Harris Ashley, born 14 Jun 1890, Palatka, Putnam CO, FL

6. George Walter (Son) Durrance, born 04 Mar 1893, Espanola, St Johns now Flagler CO, FL, died 24 Aug 1927, died in accidental shooting in St Johns CO, FL near Bayard, buried Hope, now Flagler Palms Memorial Gardens, married between 1920-1927 Mary Kathleen Melvin.

Nov 1917

Messrs. G W Durrance, Jr and Arnold Silcox left Tuesday of Columbia, SC where they will go in the United States Army (Wagoneer, USA, 106th Eng, 31st Div.).

He returned home in Jul 1919 on furlough after serving in France and expected to be discharged soon.

Bunnell, Florida
Thursday, September 15, 1927

Justice overtakes the guilty sooner or later was again demonstrated Sunday afternoon when a posse attempted to arrest Jim Smith, alias Geo. Jones, slayer of the late Sheriff Perry Hall, shot the Negro to death in Brookfield, Georgia, according to O. O. Thomas, special deputy sheriff, who was in the posse.

The Negro was known here as Jim Smith and was known at Brookfield as George Jones. He killed Sheriff Hall while the sheriff was making a raid on a Negro joint at Roy in the northwestern part of this county on the night of August 20.

The Negro had told here before the murder that he once resided in Tifton, Georgia and officers there were notified at the time the crime was committed. It was also known that either relatives of himself or wife lived at Brooksfield.

According to Mr. Thomas, the Negro went to Brookfield on Sunday, September 4, and sent word to his wife here to join him at Brookfield. Deputy Thomas followed the woman to Tifton. In the meantime the Georgia officers had learned that Smith was in Brooksfield and made a search for him Saturday night but failed to locate him. Smith, it is said, had a double-barreled shot gun, which he kept with him at all times ready for use.

Sunday afternoon the officers learned that Smith was in the house off John Chatman, Negro, in the turpentine still quarters of Bowen & Harrell, at Brookfield, and the house was surrounded by a posse composed of Deputy Sheriff O. O. Thomas from this county, Sheriff J. O. Thrasher, Deputy Sheriff Chesley Thompson, Chief of Police E. F. Preston, Warden J. G. Nelson, Commissioner N. L. Coarsey all of Tift County, Georgia.

When two of the officers went in the front of the house, Smith ran out the back and he was shot down when he refused to halt. Deputy Thomas stated that the Negro ran about 100 yards from the house and fell dead.

After death of the Negro the body was identified by Smith's wife and others there who knew him at Brookfield. Deputy Thomas carried the body to Tifton and had it embalmed and brought it back here, arriving Monday afternoon where it was further identified by a number of Flagler county white men and several Negroes who knew him here. The body was buried Tuesday morning by the county convicts.

No doubts are entertained here about the Negro being the one who committed the murder. It was reported by Mr. Thomas that the murderer, after arriving at Brookfield, carried the shotgun all the time and boasted to Negroes at Brookfield about what he had done in Florida and what he would do if officers tried to catch him. Having heard these reports, naturally the officers were prepared to shoot to kill when they went after Smith and did not give him a chance to use his gun and make good his boasts.

Deputy Thomas stated to The Tribune that the Georgia officers are to be thanked by people of this county for their work; that they acted with promptness when called upon and gave perfect cooperation in the raid and capture of the Negro.

After the killing of Sheriff Hall, Son Durrance, deputy sheriff of this county, was killed by another Negro while searching for Jones or Smith. The deputy also shot his slayer, but the Negro is recovering and is being held in jail for trial. Jones, or Smith, it is said, also gave another Negro a pistol with which to kill a Negro woman. The deputy was shot at a water tank while he was looking for Smith or Jones.

7. Thomas Omega Durrance, born 10 Aug 1896, Windemere (now Espanola), St Johns now Flagler CO, FL, died 26 Dec 1966, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, married 13 May 1916, St Augustine, St Johns CO, FL, Irene Mathilida (Nunnie) Jeppson, dau of James J. Jeppson and Ida Amanda Sundquist, born 09 Oct 1898, Anoka, Anoka CO, MN, died 15 Jul 1986, Flagler CO, FL. Both buried Hope, now Flagler Palms Memorial Gardens, Flagler CO, FL.

The family is listed on page 5 of the 1920 census of Flagler CO, residing in the Bunnell precinct with his occupation given as "Butcher." He was engaged in the cattle and farming business and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

She received her nickname from her grandson Charles Turner. According to Charles' mother, Norma Durrance Turner, when Charles started to talk, he called his grandmother mamma, but was told that his grandmother wasn't his mamma. He tried to say she was another mama, but it came out nunnie mamma and it was Nunnie from then on.

Nunnie's mother was a pianists, and once appeared in concert with Paderewski (Ignacy Jan) in Indianapolis - her mother died at age 32 - she was pregnant and she and her baby were lost (RH Factor)

Nunnie played a piece the same night as her mother - she was 8 - she can't remember what she played but she does remember that she dropped her handkerchief on the stage and was so embarrassed -- she said she couldn't figure out why the audience clapped so hard for her

Her father brought her to Florida when she was 13, around 1911. Issue;

(1) Norma Keith Durrance, born 17 Dec 1916, Bunnell, St Johns now Flagler CO, FL, died 22 Nov 2012, Flagler CO, FL, married 15 Jun 1935, Flagler CO, FL, Charles Rodgers Turner, son of Charlie Harris Turner and Lulu Bell Rodgers, born 06 Oct 1912, Danburg, Wilkes CO, GA, died 11 Jan 2002, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL. Both buried Hope, now Flagler Palms Memorial Gardens, Flagler CO, FL.

He was a mechanic and was associated with the Kudrna Motor Company in Bunnell, FL.

She was a 1934 graduate of Bunnell High School, Flagler CO, FL. After graduating from high school she was appointed principal of the FERA nursery school in Bunnell.

She was a member of the General Joseph Eggleston Johnston Chapter #2317, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL joining on 31 Jan 1986 with eligibility based on the service record of John Helms, Ship Arctic, NC CSA, Cpt C B Poindexter. She served as Historian (1992-1993)

She was elected president of the Flagler-St Johns School Lunch Association in May 1946

She resigned in Jul 1961 as manager of the Bunnell School Cafeteria after serving 17 years in the school system and 16 years as Cafeteria Manager - said she was entering school to become a practical nurse

The 2006 Cracker Day in Flagler County, FL was dedicated to Craig Barton of Haw Creek and Norma Turner of Bunnell. Norman may be the oldest living Flagler CO native (July 2007). She was seven months before Flagler CO became a county on July 4, 1917.

Norman never liked saying she was born in St Johns CO since Bunnell was her home. She has assisted the cattlemen over the years with preparing the meals and desserts. She is known as the best yeast-roll maker in the county (the compiler can attest to that). Issue;

A. Charles Henry Turner, born 26 May 1936, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL, died 19 May 2006, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, buried Hope, now Flagler Palms Memorial Gardens, Flagler CO, FL.

Selected as alternate delegate for Florida American Legion Boys State in Tallahassee in Jun 1953. In the summer of 1954 he attended the Florida State University Music Camp for six weeks - it was his second year to attend the camp. He was elected as the president of the summer camp at 1954 session.

He received a scholarship award to Florida State University and was there during my (Claude Sisco Deen, Jr, the compiler) freshman year (1958). After his university years he went in and out of Tallahassee and played New York for a while until he moved to Las Vegas.

He was a professional trumpet player and played in Las Vegas before moving back to this area in 1996. His music took him all over the world, playing with great musicians such as Frank Sinatra. Charles produced an album with Frank Sinatra, conducting the orchestra, and dedicated it to his good friend, Gene Knight.

Charles began working exclusively for Frank Sinatra when the singer emerged from retirement in 1975. He was one of the five musicians who always traveled with Sinatra.

(2) Nathan Omega (Bud) Durrance, born 06 Feb 1919, St Johns CO, FL, died 05 Sep 1985, Alachua CO, FL, buried Hope, now Flagler Palms Memorial Gardens, Flagler CO, FL, married 1936, St Johns CO, FL, Lucille B Davison, dau of Matthew Davison and Laura L Phelps, born 17 Jul 1919, Montgomery, Montgomery CO, AL, died 29 Apr 1997, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL.

He served in the U S Navy during WW II. Issue;

A. Majorie Ann (Margie) Durrance, born 03 Sep 1937, Flagler Beach, Flagler CO, FL, married 26 Dec 1953, Folkston, Charlton CO, GA, Walton Matthew Kinney, son of Walton John Kinney and Grace Kathleen Davis, born 22 Sep 1934, Palatka, Putnam CO, FL (Div-14 Oct 1975). Issue:

a. Cheryl Elaine Kinney, born 20 Sep 1955, Flagler Clinic and Hospital, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL married 20 Sep 1982, John Graves Shedd IV, MD, born Aug 1952. In May 1975, she graduated with honors from Daytona Beach Community College and was a registered nurse.

b. Elissa Joann Kinney, born 13 Apr 1958, Halifax Hospital, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL, married 26 Nov 1976, First Baptist Church, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, Gail Lloyd Cox, son of Lloyd Cox and Frances LNU. Issue;

aa. Walton Matthew Cox

bb. Gail Michele Cox

c. Walton John Kinney II, born 26 Jun 1960, Flagler Clinic and Hospital, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, married 20 Jan 1978, Kathryn Ann Smith, born 04 De 1961 (Div-2 Sep 1994). Issue;

aa. Tabatha Grace Kinney

bb. Tiffany Brooke Kinney

Walton John Kinney II, married 2nd, 26 Jun 1999, Flagler CO, FL (Unknown)

d. Dalton Matthew Kinney, born 11 Sep 1963, Flagler Clinic & Hospital, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, married 05 Aug 1989, Flagler CO, FL, Dawn A LNU, born Aug 1963

Majorie Ann (Margie) Durrance married 2nd, 01 May 1976, Volusia CO, FL, Jack Francis Burger II (Div-25 May1984)

Majorie Ann (Margie) Durrance married 3rd, Charles Hansford (Hance) McCraney, son of Marion Leonidas McCraney and Clara Annalee Revels, born 19 May 1944, Palatka, Putnam CO, FL, died 16 Jan 2013

B. FNU Durrance, born 04 Mar 1939, Flagler Beach, Flagler CO, FL

C. Doris Lucille Durrance, born 03 Jun 1941, Flagler Beach, Flagler CO, FL, married Jan 1959, St Johns CO, FL, FNU Baylor

Nathan Omega (Bud) Durrance married 2nd, 1947, Flagler CO, FL, Carolyn May Hosford, dau of Gerald Jay Vaughn Hosford and Naomi Taylor Brice, born 24 Jul 1930, near Mannins, Clarendon CO, SC, died 15 Jul 2004, Graceville, Jackson CO, FL. Issue;

D. Marion Faye Durrance, born 30 Sep 1948, Flagler Hospital, St Augustine, St Johns CO, FL

E. Cythia Lee Durrance, born 23 Jun 1951, Dr Rose’s Clinic, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, married 26 Apr 1969, First Baptist Church, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, Samuel Jefferson (Sam) Smith, son of Raymond Stevens Smith and Mary Elizabeth Davis, born 09 May 1950, Flagler Hospital, St Augustine, St Johns CO, FL

Cythia Lee Durrance married 2nd, FNU Thornton

Carolyn May Hosford also married Earl Wesley King and Violice E Raulerson

Nathan Omega (Bud) Durrance married 3rd Nov 1958, Bradford CO, FL, Armetha Naomi Lord, dau of William Carlos Lord & Essie Mae Miller, born 11 Aug 1926, Bell, Alachua CO, FL, died 17 Oct 2010, Florida Hospital-Flagler, Palm Coast, Flagler CO, FL

Armetha Naomi Lord also married Jamres R Smith and Leon Perry Cane

(3) James Hulett (Bill) Durrance, born 22 Aug 1921, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, died 25 Jan 1983, Orange CO, FL, buried Hope, now Flagler Palms Memorial Gardens, Flagler CO, FL, married 31 Dec 1955, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, Ethel Victoria Fillinger, dau of Enoch Rice Fillinger and Lora Lee Hager, born 27 Jan 1927, died 18 Jan 1983, Flagler CO, FL.

Petty Officer James H. Durrance (Machinist Mate 2-C) served in the Pacific, including Okinawa, with the Seabees in WW II. Issue;

A. Larry Michael Durrance, married 21 Sep 1973, St Johns Catholic Church, Crescent City, Putnam CO, FL, Debra Kay Rehberg, dau of W L Rehberg

(4) Horace Walton (Custer) Durrance, born 18 Jan 1924, Flagler CO, FL, married Mary Lou Partin (Div-Jul 1967).

Cpl. Durrance, Fleet Marine Force, saw service in the Pacific Theater in WW II, including the Marshalls, Palau, Samoa & Leyte. Issue;

A. Robert Walden (Robbie) Durrance, born 15 May 1948, Glendale Hospital, Palatka, Putnam CO, FL, married (unknown). Issue;

a. Robert Walden Durrance, Jr, born 03 Jun 1979, Halifax Hospital, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL

b. George Walton Durrance, born 03 Jun 1979, Halifax Hospital, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL

Horace Walton (Custer) Durrance married 2nd, La Von Thora (Bonnie) Neilsen. Issue;

B. Stacey Lee Durrance, born 22 Feb 1970, Bunnell General Hospital, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL

C. Amy Jean Durrance, born 05 Sep 1973, UT

(5) Thomas Walter (Tommy) Durrance, born 26 Oct 1928, Flagler CO, FL, died 27 Aug 2003, Flagler Beach, Flagler CO, FL, married 02 Sep 1948, Blackshear, Pierce CO, GA, Patricia Ann (Patsy) French, dau of Harlan Spencer French and Leona Moody, born 01 Sep 1931, Naylor, Ripley CO, MO, died 20 Oct 2019, Volusia CO, FL, both buried Espanola Cemetery, Espanola, Flagler CO, FL.

He was a member of the Bunnell High School class of 1948 and a member of the USN Reserve. In Jan 1976 he stepped down from his position as Flagler CO commissioner in favor of commissioner Louis Steflik. Issue;

A. Rebecca Jane Durrance, born 10 Jun 1952, Flagler Hospital, St Augustine, St Johns CO, FL, married 21 Jan 1972, United Methodist Church, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, Oliver Gary Cowart, son of Oliver James Cowart and Alma Constance Sykes

She graduated Bunnell High School in 1970 and in July of that year was employed by Oceanshore Realty. She was attending Daytona Beach Community College in Nov 1971. He graduated from Taylor High School in Green Cove Springs and was employed by the Wadsworth Lumber Company of Bunnell, FL. Issue;

a. Thomas Oliver Cowart, born 25 Jun 1975, Halifax Hospital, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL, married 31 Jul 1999, Volusia CO, FL, Allison A LNU, born 14 Nov 1974. Issue;

aa. Kaylie Cowart

B. Leona Ann Durrance, born 25 Jun 1962, Flagler Hospital, St Augustine, St Johns CO, FL, married 11 Apr 1987, Flagler CO, FL, Glenn Arrington, born Dec 1960. Issue;

a. April Arrington

b. Zane Arrington

(6) Johnnie Leah Durrance, born 04 Mar 1939, FL, died 20 Nov 2015, Tallahassee, Leon CO, FL, married 31 Aug 1960, Mormon Temple, Salt Lake City, UT, Jimmy Oliver Helms, born 20 Nov 1935 (Div-25 Apr 1990).

She was a graduate of Florida State University and taught public school in Tallahassee, Leon CO, FL. Issue;

A. Jimmy Oliver Helms, Jr, born and died 06 Sep 1963, Tallahassee, Leon CO, FL

B. Sarah Leah Helms, born 23 Dec 1961, Tallahassee, Leon CO, FL, married 15 Feb 1986, Tallahassee, Leon CO, FL, Joseph Randall Smith. Issue;

a. Lauren Leah Smith

b. Alexandra Frances Smith

c. Joseph Randolph Smith, Jr

d. Stephanie Ellison Smith

C. Rachel Amanda Helms, born 13Oct 1966 , Tallahassee, Leon CO, FL. Issue;

a. Matthew Durrance Helms,born 30 Aug 1986, Tallahassee, Leon CO,FL

b. Emily Elizabeth Hefner, born 01 Apr1996

8. Hullet Worrell Durrance, born 11 Nov 1898, Espanola, Flagler CO, FL, died 14 Jan 1967, Flagler Beach, Flagler CO, FL, buried Hope, now Flagler Palms Memorial Gardens, Flagler CO, FL, married Jun 1918, Jacksonville, Duval CO, FL, Eddie Mae Cornell, dau of James Jeremiah Cornell and Josephine White, born 09 Sep 1898, Aucilla, Jefferson CO, FL, died 15 Oct 1918, Jacksonville, Duval CO, FL, buried Drifton, Jefferson CO, FL. Issue;

(1) Unnamed Infant Daughter Durrance, born and died 15 Oct 1918, Jacksonville, Duval CO, FL

Hullet Worrell Durrance married 2nd, about 1921, Eva Marguerita Doles, born 31 Oct 1908, Douglas, Coffee CO, GA. Issue;

(2) Sybil Marie Durrance, born 14 Jan 1924, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL, married 1944, Leon CO, FL Zeb Vance, Jr

Sybil Marie Durrance married 2nd, Horst Sieler

(3) Marguerite Elizabeth (Tiny) Durrance, born 27 Jan 1926, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL, married 1944, Volusia CO, FL Bob Howard

Marguerite Elizabeth (Tiny) Durrance married 2nd, 22 Jun 1974, Volusia CO, FL (unknown)

Hullet Worrell Durrance married 3rd, 07 Jan 1938, Miami, Dade CO, FL, Mary Magdalene (Peggy) Morgan, dau of James Hiram Morgan and Bitha Louise Griffis, born 09 Sep 1913, Pearson, Atkinson CO, GA, died 02 Jul 1987, Ormond Beach, Volusia CO, FL

9. Evamae Violet Durrance, born 12 Feb 1900, Espanola, St Johns CO, FL, died 05 Jun 1975, Gainesville, Alachua CO, FL, buried Hope, now Flagler Palms Memorial Gardens, Flagler CO, FL, married 12 May 1919, Jacksonville, Duval CO, FL, Joseph Lindsey (Joe) Allen, son of Joseph Allen and Elizabeth Williams, born 12 Mar 1897, St Augustine, St Johns CO, FL, died 12 Feb 1944, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL. Issue;

(1) Eva Mae Allen, born 10 Jul 1920, Flagler CO, FL, married 1939, Volusia CO, FL, Marcus M Parry (Div-1942)

Eva Mae Allen married 24 Nov 1942, Duval CO, FL, Thom Faraklas Jr, born 24 Nov 1920, died 17 Jan 1997, Albuquerque, Bernalillo CO, NM, buried Santa Fe National Cemetery, Santa Fe, NM. He was a major in the United States Marine Corps (Div-1949)

Eva Mae Allen married John Paul DeMarchi, son of Angelo Demarchi and Nancy D Amico, born 09 Nov 1910, Cook CO, IL, died 09 Jul 1978, Palm Beach CO, FL, buried Hope, now Flagler Palms Memorial Gardens, Flagler CO, FL

Eva Mae Allen married Bob Hannahs

Eva Mae Allen married Bert F Reil

(2) Joseph Lindsey (Joe) Allen, Jr, born 21 Apr 1923, Green Cove Springs, Clay CO, FL, died 13 Jul 1981, Dade CO, FL, buried Hope, now Flagler Palms Memorial Gardens, Flagler CO, FL, married Jane Naugle

(3) Michael Thomas Allen, born 21 Apr 1923, Green Cove Springs, Clay CO, FL, died 21 Apr 1923, Green Cove Springs, Clay CO, FL

Source: The First Families of Flagler by Mary Ketus Deen Holland who cited as her sources, Census and Published Articles.

Additional sources used by the compiler were: 1900 United States Federal Census, Champaign CO, OH, Harrison, Dist 5, 6 Jun 1900; 1910 United States Federal Census, Precinct 7, St Johns, Florida; 1920 United States Federal Census, Bunnell, Flagler, Florida; 1930 United States Federal Census, Bunnell, Flagler, Florida; 1930 United States Federal Census, Daytona Beach, Volusia, Florida; 1930 United States Federal Census, Martin CO, FL, Stuart, Dist 3, 14 Apr 1930; 1930 United States Federal Census, District 17, Knox, Tennessee;

Family Data Collection - Individual Records; Family Group Sheet - Durrance, Thomas Omega, 01 Aug 2003; World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918; U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946; U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca.1775-2006; Florida Marriage Collection, 1822-1875 and 1927-2001; Florida Divorce Index, 1927-2001; Florida Death Index, 1877-1998; Richard M Medders, Medders Family Tree, (15 Apr 2004); Jimmy Oliver Helms Family Information by Sarah Leah Helms, 14 Jul 2008;

Putnam CO, FL Gen Soc Quarterly, No 17, Jun 1990, pg. 12; US Coast Guard Identification Card, 21 Aug 1942; The Flagler Tribune, 22 May 1919, 24 Jan 1924, 04 Mar 1926, 06 May 1937, 09 Mar 1939, 05 Jun 1941, 22 Mar 1945, 20 May1948, 11 May 1950, 28 Jun 1951,12 Jun 1952, 28 Aug 1952, 31 Dec 1953, 05 Jan 1956, 04 Dec 1958, 07 Jul 1960, 22 Sep 1960, 28 Jun 1962, 01 Aug 1963, 24 Sep 1964, 19 May 1966, 31 Aug 1967, 01 May 1969, 25 Nov 1971, 03 Jul 1975, 09 Dec 1976, 25 Nov 1976, 14 Jun 1979; Unto This Land (History of St Johns Park, FL)(1987), edited by Mary Ketus Deen Holland, pg. 283;
and The Bulldog's Growl, Vol XIII, No 4, Summer Issue, pg 1

Please send questions, corrections or additions to Sisco Deen, P.O. Box 637, Flagler Beach, FL 32136 or email him at