George Moody
George Moody, son of Isaac I. Moody and his wife Martha Elmira Miles, born 10 Feb 1879, Appling CO, GA, died 23 Oct 1967, Bunnell General Hospital, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, married 11 Feb 1900, Appling CO, GA, to Bettie Miles, dau of Leonard Miles and Polly Ann Mississippi Deen, born 30 Jul 1882 Appling Co, died 13 Jul 1930, Halifax District Hospital, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL. Both are buried Espanola Cemetery, Espanola, Flagler CO, FL.
The family is listed on page 12 of the 1920 census of Flagler Co with his occupation given as "Turpentine Operator," with his mother residing in the household.
He came from Baxley, Appling CO, GA in 1904, before Bunnell, FL was incorporated and joined his brother Ike in the turpentine business. He resided in Indian Springs in Volusia County for a few years and was enumerated in the 1910 census for that area. He returned to Bunnell by 1912 and was appointed a councilman when Bunnell was incorporated.
He built one of the first homes in Bunnell on the corner of Lambert and Church streets. He was a charter member of the First Methodist Church of Bunnell and was an officer in the Bunnell Development Company.
In Sept 1913 he made application to homestead 169 acres of land with one mile of ocean frontage and extending west to the marshland in what is now Flagler Beach. To fulfill homestead requirements he built a ferry to cross the canal and a corduroy road across the narrow part of the marshland, built a house which the family occupied in Feb 1914. After all homesteading requirements were completed the property was subdivided into lots for sale, and Ocean City began to grow.
During 1916, he built the Ocean Beach Casino, which contained dressing rooms, showers for bathers, a refreshment center and a floor for dancing and skating. After the drawbridge was completed over the canal in 1920 and with the rapid growth of Ocean City, George Moody and Dana Fellows Fuquay began development in the fledgling community.
In Jan 1919, at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Bunnell Development Company, he was elected as treasurer. That same month he was chosen as Vice President of the Bunnell State Bank
That same month, George was elected to the presidency of the Alma, GA State Bank and the State Bank of Baxley in Baxley, GA. In Nov 1919, he was again elected as president of the Baxley State Bank.
In Jun 1921, the charter was received for the Ocean City Improvement Company, Mr George Moody, president, Mr R L Harper, vice president, and Mr C G Varn, secretary and treasurer. The company was capitalized at $50,000 and proposed to "develop Ocean City Beach by building streets and sidewalks, cottage and other dwellings, hotel; to install light and water plants, construct parks, causeways, lakes and other things for the beautification of one of the finest town sites along the east coast of Florida...."
In Jul 1921, the directors of the Ocean City Improvement Company decided to erect a 30-room hotel to be....of the American Colonial Type...and to be throughly modern in all respects with fire protection and electrically lighted from cellar to garrett." The site of the hotel was to be just opposite the Casino, facing the Atlantic about 150 (yards, though not indicated) from the ocean barrier (the hotel was completed in 1924 and was purchased in Nov 1945 by J W Green and son, W M Green of Atlanta - it had been formerly owned by W H Barnes of Rockford, IL)
In Aug 1921 he appeared before the board of county commissioners and stated that he understood that the board was contemplating charging tolls on the Ocean City Bridge on account of not having enough money on hand sufficient to pay the bridge tender. He stated that A V Wickline would accept the position for $25 per month which price is $20 less per month now being paid to the present bridge tender. He further stated he would be willing to cash the approved bills for Mr Wickline and hold them until said bills could be paid (NOTE: The bridge was built out of the Haw Creek special road and bridge road fund, which measures upon its passage, provided that all bridges should be free public bridges - CSDeen)
When Ocean City was incorporated as Flagler Beach in 1925, George Moody was elected Mayor. At the creation of Flagler County in 1917 he had been appointed to the county commission by Gov Sidney Johnston Catts and held that office until 1921. He was then elected for four more intervening terms, the last being in 1943.
In May 1929, the Flagler County School Board accepted the block given by George Moody and also the generous office by him to give in material the amount of which the old school is appraised. This new school building was to be built by him. Dana F Fuquay, architect and home owner at the beach, offered his services gratuitously as architect and supervisor of works.
He was a charter member of both the Masonic Lodge No 200 F & AM (he was initiated on 3 May 1909 in the New Smyrna Lodge- and presented his 50 year pin in Bunnell on Aug 1962) and the Order of Eastern Star Chapter 92, and a member of the first town council of the City of Bunnell.
She was an active member of the Order of Eastern Star, Royal Neighbors Lodge and a member of the Methodist church at Flagler Beach. Mr and Mrs Moody were the parents of nine children;
1. Eula Moody, born 13 May 1901, Baxley, Appling CO, GA, died 15 May 1971, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, married 15 Aug 1924 in the Moody Home by Rev H E Partridge, Melvin Blanchard Fuller, son of William Early Fuller and Katie L (LNU), born 06 Sep 1893, Rutherford, Crenshaw CO, AL, died 05 Apr 1971, Bunnell General Hospital, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL. Both are buried Espanola Cemetery, Espanola, Flagler CO, FL.
Fuller came to Flagler County in 1922 from Macon, GA and was employed by the Flagler Tribune.
From January 1, 1924 until May 1935, Fuller and Alexander Martin (Duke) McDaniel were joint editors of the newspaper, then Fuller became publisher and editor.
The October 27, 1966 edtion was the last issue of The Flagler Tribune to be published by “M B” and Eula Fuller. They sold the business to Leonard R Wilson, effective Nov 1, 1966.
The Tribune was established Feb 13, 1913 as the St Johns Tribune with Joseph Barrett Boaz as editor. The paper was sold to Robert Lee Harper in 1918 who operated it until 01 Jan 1924 when Fuller and Duke McDaniel purchased the plant. The Fuller’s purchased Mr McDaniel's interest in Mar 1939.
Fuller served the town in many ways over the years, i.e., Scout Master, Worshipful Master of Bunnell Lodge 200, charter member and past commander of American Legion Post 115, several terms as member of the Board of Public Instruction (Superintendent 1936-1940), Mayor of Bunnell, and member of Lions Club. Fuller in the US Navy in WW I.
Mr and Mrs Fuller gave me (Claude Sisco Deen, Jr) my first experience in Journalism by helping me write a weekly column on scouting in the Bunnell Tribune in 1951.
Eula moved to now Flagler County in 1904. She was editor of the Flagler Tribune for 42 years until her retirement in 1966. A member of First United Methodist Church of Bunnell, she served as a member of the official board of the church. She was a member of American Legion Auxiliary; Order Eastern Star Chapter 93; President of Flagler County Nursing Council: and Secretary-Treasurer of Flagler Democratic Executive Committee. Mrs. Fuller served as State Democratic Committee woman for a number of years, and was elected as a state-at-large delegate the National Democratic Convention at Chicago in 1952.
She was a charter member of the General Joseph Eggleston Johnston Chapter #2317, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL joining on 14 May 1962 with eligibility based on the service record of Isaac Moody, Cpt John Mayer's Company, GA Cavalry. She served as Historian (1962-1963)
The Fuller’s were members of the Bunnell Methodist Church where he served as a Trustee and on the Board of Stewards. Issue;
(1) George Melvin Fuller, born 02 Apr 1927, Bohannon’s Hospital, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL, died 25 Dec 1928, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, buried Espanola Cemetery, Espanola, Flagler CO, FL.
2. Bonnie Moody, born 27 July 1903, Baxley, Appling CO, GA died 03 Jul 1905, Baxley, Appling CO, GA, buried Deen Cemetery, Appling CO, GA
3. Unnamed Infant, born and died 25 Nov 1905, Baxley, Appling CO, GA, buried Deen Cemetery, Appling CO, GA
4. Luna Moody, born 25 Feb 1907, Bunnell, St Johns now Flagler CO, FL, died 25 Sept 1962, Flagler Beach, Flagler CO, FL, married 04 Apr 1926, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL by Rev H F Lommis to James Arthur Babbitt, son of William A Babbitt and Elva P (LNU), born 03 Aug 1899, Augusta, Richmond CO, GA, died 24 Apr 1987, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL. Both are buried Hope Cemetery, now Flagler Palms Memorial Gardens, Flagler CO, FL.
A year or so after their marriage, they returned to Augusta where they lived for 14 years before moving to Flagler Beach in 1944.
She was a member of the First Baptist Church of Flagler Beach, and had served as organist of the church for a number of years. She was a member of the Eastern Star and served one term as a member of the Board of School Trustees for Flagler County. She was correspondent for The Tribune for several years.
He owned and operated Babbitt Plumbing Co from Oct 1944 to Jun 1972 when he retired. His first visit to Flagler Beach was in the 1920's when he was working on the old Flagler Beach Hotel and met and married Luna Moody. In 1927, he served as assistant scoutmaster for Boy Scout Troop 1, sponsored by the Bunnell Civitan Club. Issue;
(1) James Arthur (Jim) Babbitt Jr, born 30 Sep 1927, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, died 18 Feb 2006, Flagler Hospital - Flagler, Palm Coast, Flagler CO, FL, married 14 Dec 1952, First Presbyterian Church, San Diego, San Diego CO, CA, Shirley Marlene Dietrick (Div-Jan1977).
He graduated from Richmond Academy, Augusta, GA in 1945 and attended the University of Florida from 1946 to 1949. He entered the Navy shortly thereafter. He was a U.S. Navy pilot, receiving his wings on 21 Mar 1951 following completion of advanced training in multi-engine aircraft at Corpus Christi, TX.
He was a Lt serving in Okinawa in Aug 1953. Issue;
A. James Arthur Babbitt III, born 30 Nov 1954, Corpus Christi, Nueces CO, TX
B. Jeffery Mark Babbitt, born 15 Jul 1956, Corpus Christi, Nueces CO, TX
C. Lisa Ann Babbitt, born 02 Jun 1958, Honolulu, Honolulu CO, Hawaii, married (FNU) LaFrenier
D. Janice Lynn Babbitt, born 10 May 1967, Iceland
James Arthur (Jim) Babbitt Jr, married 2nd, 21 Mar 1987, Flagler CO, FL, Dorothy (LNU)
(2) William Moody Babbitt, born 09 Feb 1930, Augusta, Richmond CO, GA, died 30 Oct 2020, DeLand, Volusia CO, FL, buried Cape Canavaeral Nationa Cemetery, Mims, Brevard CO, FL, married 16 Aug 1952, Community Baptist Church, Flagler Beach, Flagler CO, FL, Clarice Jean Burkholder, dau of Ray D Burkholder, born Apr 1935, IN.
Billy was one of the first "older" kids that paid any attention to me (Claude Sisco Deen, Jr). When I was around eight or nine I stayed with my Uncle Otis and Aunt Pauline Magee at their Flagler Beach house. Billy was the lifeguard at Flagler and gave me the "honor" of taking his gear from a bath room at the pier (later, the bath house under the pier) to his tower in the morning and back to the pier storage at night.
If I were especially good, he would allow me to sit on his tower with him. Issue;
A. Brenda Lee Babbitt, born 29 May1953, South Bend, St Joseph CO, IN, married 03 Feb 1962, Mishawaka, St Joseph CO, IN, Edward James Mroczek, born 25 May 1952.
Brenda married 2nd, 10 Oct 1995, Elkhart, Elkhart CO, IN, Homer Ray Miller, born Jun 1952.
B. Vicki Sue Babbitt, born 18 May 1955, South Bend, St Joseph CO, IN, married, 19 Jul 1975, Mishawaika, St Josheph CO, IN, Jefferyn Allen Johnson,born Sep 1955.
C. William Ray Babbitt, born 02 Jan 1957, South Bend, St Joseph CO, IN, married 16 Jun 1979, Nappanee, Elkhart CO, IN, Rebecca Jo "Becky" Leinbach, born 07 Aug 1959
(3) Betty Ann Babbitt, born 27 Mar 1932, Augusta, Richmond CO, GA, died 17 Dec 2008, Flagler Beach, Flagler CO, FL, married 21 Feb 1951, Methodist Church, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, Leonard Auden Johnson, son of Gerald A. Johnson, born 31 Dec 1931, Renova, Clinton, CO, PA, died 19 Jun 2007, Florida Hospital, Ormond Beach, Volusia CO, FL.
She was a member of the 1949 graduating class of Bunnell High School and attended the University of Florida for one year where she was a member of Alpha Chi Omega Sorority. She was a founding member of the Ocean Waves Square Dance Group, a volunteer at the Flagler Beach Historical Museum and a member of Flagler Beach United Methodist Church.
He was a member of the 1949 graduating class of Renova High School (PA) and in Jan 1951, was employed by the PA Railroad at Renovo. He moved here in 1954 from South Renovo, Pa. He was also a mosquito control commissioner for Flagler County for five years. Mr. Johnson was a charter member of Flagler Beach United Methodist Church and was a member of Masonic Lodge 200, Bunnell. He retired as a tool department manager for General Electric, Daytona Beach. Issue;
A. David Aulden Johnson, born 18 Nov 1951, Renovo, Clinton CO, PA, married 02 Dec 1972, Ridgeland, Jasper CO, SC, Katherine May Alford, dau of E P Alford. Issue;
a. Serena Lynn Johnson, born 03 Apr 1974, Flagler Hospital, St Augustine, St Johns CO, FL
B. Donald Arthur Johnson, born 21 Aug 1952, Renovo, Clinton CO, PA, died 21 Aug 1952, Renovo, Clinton CO, PA
C. Debra Ann Johnson, born 14 Aug 1953, Renovo, Clinton CO, PA, married 07 Jun 1970, United Methodist Church, Flagler Beach, Flagler CO, FL, James Robert Knowles, son of James A Knowles (Div-09Apr1975). Issue;
a. Tracie Marie Knowles, born 06 Nov 1971, Flagler Hospital, St Augustine, St Johns CO, FL
Debra Ann Johnson married 2nd, 28 Jul 1975, Duval CO, FL, (FNU) Birkett
D. Dale Allen Johnson, born 24 Nov 1956, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL
(4) Barbara Joan Babbitt, born 09 Aug 1939, Augusta, Richmond CO, GA, married 16 Jul 1961, Judson Philip Stryker Jr, son of Judson Philip Stryker and Irene L Hahn, born 23 Nov 1941.
Barbara and I (Claude Sisco Deen, Jr) were chums at elementary school. She was a 1958 graduate of Bunnell High School and graduated from Daytona Beach Community College in 1960. In May 1961, she was working in the accounting department of the Daytona Beach News Journal.
Judson was elected a representative and county judge at Florida American Legion Boys State in Tallahassee in Jun 1958 - he was also elected as party secretary and was on the city council.
He was a graduate of Bunnell High School and Daytona Beach Junior College (May 1961). In 1961, he had a motor route for the Daytona Beach News-Journal and was music director for the First Baptist Church of Flagler Beach
In Jun 1961, he was one of four DBCC students named to the college hall of fame for academic excellence and outstanding service to the college
Received a BS degree in Business Administration from the University of Florida in May 1963 and was employed with General Electric Corporation in Daytona Beach, FL. He later was a professor at Stetson University in DeLand. Issue;
A. (FNU) Stryker, born 18 Jul 1969, Halifax Hospital, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL
B. Joy Fekice Stryker, born 19 Jul 1972, Halifax Hospital, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL, married 16 Dec 1995, Hillsborough CO, FL, Timothy Peder Haugaard, born Aug 1971. Issue;
a. Cole Judson Haugaard, born 05 Sep 2000
b. Grace LillyAnne Haugaard, born 05 Aug 2005
5. Georgia Moody, born 02 Oct 1909, Indian Springs, Volusia CO, FL, died 14 Jan 1911, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, buried Deen Cemetery, Appling CO, GA
6. Edna Moody, born 15 Feb 1912, Bunnell, St Johns now Flagler CO, FL, died 30 Jul 1937, East Coast Hospital, St Augustine, St Johns CO, FL, buried Espanola Cemetery, Espanola, Flagler CO, FL, married about 1930, Flagler CO, FL, Elijah A (Lige) Yelvington, son of Charles Dewitt Yelvington and Mamie Elizabeth Wilson, born about 1912, Volusia CO, FL, died Nov 1968, Dade CO, FL (Div). Issue;
(1) Leonard Anderson Yelvington, born 20 Aug 1930, Jacksonville, Duval CO, FL, died 16 Jan 1982, Miami, Dade CO, FL, buried Espanola Cemetery, Espanola, Flagler CO, FL, married 02 Aug 1953, Methodist Church, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL to Dorothy Eleanor Alexander, dau of Clarence Barry Alexander and Daisy Lee Anderson, born 14 May 1929, Springfield, Effingham CO, GA, died 10 Jan 1976, Miami, Dade CO, FL, buried Springfield Cemetery, Springfield, Effingham CO, GA.
He was a graduate of Seabreeze High School Class of 1949, Daytona Beach. He then joined the USAF and served a hitch at Kadena AB in Okinawa. He returned to the states and in Jun 1953, he was employed with the Flagler Tribune.
He graduated from Florida Southern College in Feb 1957 with a BS degree and they moved to NY where he was to enroll in the Juliard School of Music.
They moved from Miami in Jun 1963 to Bunnell and opened a store they named, "Land 'n Sea Fashions" in the Citizens Bank Building.
Dorothy was a graduate of Florida Southern College where she was a member of Alpha Chi Omega Sorority and Kappa Psi. In Jun 1953, she had been a member of the Bunnell High School faculty for four years. When the family moved to Miami, Dorothy served as a elementary school teacher for Dade County School system until her death. Issue;
A. Kevin Anderson Yelvington, born 29 Nov 1960, Miami Beach, Dade CO, FL. Kevin married B'arbara Caridad Cruz on 23 May 1992 in Las Vegas, Clark CO, NV. She was born on 05 Dec 1961 in Havana, Cuba. Kevin attended kindergarten at Bunnell Elementary School, 1964-1965.
Both were educators at the University of South Florida; Kevin was a Professor of Anthropology and B'arbara served as a Professor of Education. Issue:
a. Cristina Elsa Yelvington, born 08 Oct 1994, Tampa, Hillsborough CO, FL
b. Amanda Jacqueline Yelvington, born 09 Mar 2000, Tampa, Hillsborough CO, FL
B. Barry Alexander Yelvington, born 22 Feb 1962, Lakeland, Polk CO, FL. Barry worked for many years with the United Way in Miami.
Edna Moody married 2nd, 16 May 1931, Moody Home, Flagler Beach, Flagler CO, FL, John Benjamin Sammons, son of Enos Harty Sammons and Pearl (LNU), born about 1908, Black, Geneva CO, AL, died 1949, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL. Issue;
(2) George Enos Sammons born about 1933, FL, died 28 May 1935, Dothan, Houston CO, AL while the family was visiting his grandparents in Black, FL
7. George Miles Moody, born 19 Aug 1915, Bunnell, St Johns now Flagler CO, FL, died 09 Apr 1994, Memorial Hospital, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, buried Espanola Cemetery, Espanola, Flagler CO, FL, married 31 Dec 1939, Lake City, Columbia CO, FL, to Margaret Lillian (Peggy) Perry, dau of Harry Perry and Ida N (LNU, born 05 Jul 1912, Renovo, Clinton CO, PA, died Apr 1985,Volusia CO, FL (Div).
He was a graduate of the University of Florida School of Pharmacy in Gainesville, and in Jan 1940, was employed as a druggist at the DoSota Pharmacy in Lake City.
In Aug 1950, while still living in Renovo, PA, he bought the ocean-front business lot just south of the Milland hotel (across from pier - now [2009] the BankofAmerica) and several months previous, had purchased the Tom Edward Holden home on Ocean Shore Blvd (now [2009] The White Orchid Bed & Breakfast)
In Oct 1950, a southeaster struck Flagler Beach and squashed down into the gulley over which it stood the small building that George recently purchased and was used by Mrs Alice Johnston as a real estate office. The building was sitting on one end with the roof just above the sidewalk -- we (Claude Sisco Deen, Jr) used to play in this gulley and you could enter the basement of the Milland Hotel which was pretty spooky at the time.
In Jan 1940, she was a staff nurse at the VA Hospital in Lake City, FL. Issue;
(1) Carol Jean Moody, born 28 Sep 1940, Ocala, Marion CO, FL, married 19 Feb 1957, Kingsland, Camden CO, GA, William Harry Atkinson III, son of William Harry Atkinson Jr and Virginia Elise Johnson, born 16 Sep 1934, Waycross, Ware CO, GA, died 14 Mar 2010, Flagler CO, FL (Div).
She graduated from Bunnell High School in 1958 and was member of the General Joseph Eggleston Johnston Chapter #2317, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL joining on 28 Oct 1968 with eligibility based on the service record of Isaac Moody, Cpt John Mayer's Appling CO, GA Cavalry. Issue;
A. William Harry (Mickey) Atkinson IV, born 02 Oct 1957, Halifax Hospital, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL
B. Robert Boyce Atkinson, born 18 May 1959, Halifax Hospital, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL, died 01 Jul 2016, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, married 14 Aug 1982, Stonington, New London CO, CT, Catherine Melody Sweet, born 28 Jun 1953.
After graduating from Flagler Palm Coast High School in 1977, Boyce proudly served 4 years in the U.S. Navy aboard the U.S.S. Virginia and was stationed in the Indian Ocean during the Iran Hostage Crisis. He worked for the National Security Agency in Maryland. In 2015, he retired from a 30+ year career at Millstone Power Station in Waterford, CT. NASCAR, fishing, and spending time at Flagler Beach were his favorite pastimes, in addition to coaching his children’s baseball, softball and basketball teams in their youth. Issue;
a. Ryan Boyce Atkinson, born 07 Apr 1983, CT, married Natalie Bacon
b. Victoria Elise Atkinson, born about Sep1989, married Matt Gendron
C. Miles Reed Atkinson, born 18 Oct 1963, Halifax Hospital, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL
Carol Jean Moody married 2nd, 23 Dec 1979, United Methodist Church, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, Ray Mason
William Harry Atkinson III married 2nd, 22 Nov 1975, Flagler CO, FL, Anita Joanne Solano, dau of Maurice Solano, born 14 Feb 1938, St Augustine, St Johns CO, FL
(2) George Miles Moody Jr, born 02 Aug 1942, Lake City Columbia CO, FL, married 08 Jun 1966, Epiphany Catholic Church, Port Orange, Volusia CO, FL, Lana Jean Butler.
He was a 1960 graduate of Bunnell High School. He attended Daytona Beach Junior College for two years and was a graduate of Jones Business College of Jacksonville. He spent one summer in the White House Seminar in the Agricultural Department from Congressman R D Matthers' district.
In May 1966 he was employed with the Florida Bank and Trust Company in Daytona Beach.
She graduated from Jones Business College in Jacksonville and in May 1966 was employed by General Electric in Daytona Beach. Issue;
A. George Miles Moody III, born Halifax Hospital, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL
B. Heather Moody, born 01 Dec 1968, Atlanta, Fulton CO, GA
(3) Harry Robert (Bebe) Moody, born 13 Mar 1946, Renova, Clinton CO, GA, married 07 Dec 1969, Presbyterian Church, McRae, Telfair CO, GA, Katherine Louise (Kathy) Bourne, dau of Lee Bourne, born 21 Oct 1951
In 1963, Bebe was selected to go to American Legion Boys State in Tallahassee. He graduated from Bunnell High School in 1964 and served four years in the U S Navy. In 1969, he was attending Daytona Beach Junior College.
She graduated from Bunnell High School in 1969 and in Dec 1969 was attending Daytona Beach Junior College. Issue;
A. Angela Carol Moody, born 27 Jun 1970, Halifax Hospital, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL
B. Matthew Moody
George Miles Moody married 2nd, 01 Dec 1957, Kingsland, Camden CO, GA, Mable Virginia Patterson, dau of Herbert R Patterson and Selma Sandra (LNU), born 07 Apr 1922, Marion CO, IA, died 08 Jul 2006, Flagler Beach, Flagler CO, FL. She was previously married to Fred Watson.
8. Isaac I Moody, born 04 Dec 1918, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, died 25 Oct 2000, North Regional Medical Center, Gainesville, Alachua CO, FL, married 03 June 1941, Calvary, Grady CO, GA Freida Maxwell, dau of Howard G Maxwell and Maggie Ellie Truluck, born 16 Aug 1914, Calvary, Grady CO, GA, died 18 Nov 1998, Lake City, Columbia CO, FL, buried Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens, Lake City, Columbia CO, FL
Isaac had lived in Lake City since 1945. A graduate of the University of Florida, Gainesville, he retired in 1981 as a division engineer manager for Florida Power and Light Co where he worked for 35 years. He was a member Lake City County Club, the Over the Hill Gang, Lake City Lions Club, Morocco Temple, Lake City Shrine Club and was a master Mason in Gainesville Masonic Lodge.
Fredia is listed with her family on the 1920 Census of Grady CO, GA, Higdon, Dist 76, however, it is of such poor quality that I (Claude Sisco Deen, Jr) was unable to read the names and dates
In May 1941 she was a member of the faculty of Bunnell High School. She was a graduate of Florida State College for Women. Issue;
(1) Dr Howard Maxwell Moody, MD, born 21 Jul 1943, Gainesville, Alachua CO, FL, married 24 Nov1976, Kathryn LaBarbera, dau of Edgar Richard LaBarbera and Dorothy Jean Trawick, born 06 Oct 1948, Mobile, Mobile CO, AL. Issue:
A. Melissa Kathryn Moody, born 28 Jul 1978, Tallahassee, Leon CO, FL
B. Michael Howard Moody, born 28 Nov 1981, Tallahassee, Leon CO, FL
(2) Nancy Elizabeth Moody, born 28 Aug 1945, Daytona Beach, Volusia CO, FL, married 15 Apr 1967, First Baptist Church, Pensacola, Escambia CO, FL, James Thomas Petillo, son of Thomas Evans Petillo and Reba Polk, born 13 Aug 1944, Magnolia, Columbia CO, AK . Issue;
A. Deanna Elizabeth Petillo, born 09 Nov 1967, Kingsville, Kleberg CO, TX, married 10 Dec 1994, Gregg CO, TX, Lewis Frank Dean, born about1966. Issue;
a. Jack Thomas Dean, born 08 Jul 1997, Cregg CO, TX
B. Thomas Evans Petillo, born 15 Dec 1969, Lake City, Columbia CO, FL
9. Leonard Coveida Moody, born 13 Jun 1923, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL, died 27 Oct 2017, married 18 Dec 1949, First Baptist Church, Bunnell, Flagler OO, FL, Daisy Louie Whitaker, dau of Louie McClellan Whitaker and Ethel Lee Cook, born 12 Dec 1928, Flagler CO, FL, died 09 Oct 1994, Alexandria, Fairfax CO, VA. Both are buried in Espanola Cemetery, Espanola, Flagler CO, FL.
In July 1948 he was at Fort Benning, GA for the annual six weeks encampment of the Reserve Officers Training Corps. Moody, then a student at the University of Florida, served in WW II in Germany with the 13th Armored Division. He received his degree from Florida State University in Jan 1953.
He was a member of the faculty of Andrew Jackson High School in Jacksonville from 1953 until Jun 1956 when he came to work for the Flagler Tribune in Bunnell.
Was elected as commander of Flagler Post 115 of the American Legion in May 1965 and in Jun 1975, the family was living in Fairfax CO, VA.
She was elected state director for the National Education Association in VA in 1974. She was teaching fifth grade at Mount Vernon Elementary School and was serving on the Fairfax Education Board of Directors. She is a former president of the VA Education Asso of Classroom Teachers. Nationally, she served a 3 year term on the NEA Human Relations Council. She has a BS in Elementary Ed from the Univ of FL and also studied at Stetson. Issue;
(1) Katharine Lee "Eula" Moody, born 24 Feb 1954, St Vincent’s Hospital, Jacksonville, Duval CO, FL, married 19 Dec 1982, Alexandria, Alexandria City, VA, Gary Carson Watson, son of Fred Watson and Mable Virginia Patterson, born 06 Oct 1948 (Div-02 Apr 1984).
Source: The First Families of Flagler by Mary Ketus Deen Holland who cites as her sources, Census, and Published Articles.
Additional sources used by the compiler were: 1900 United States Federal Census, Militia District 1563, Baxley, Appling CO, GA; 1910 United States Federal Census, Precinct 13, Volusia CO, FL;
1920 United States Federal Census, Higdon, Dist 76, Grady CO, GA; 1930 United States Federal Census, Augusta, Richmond CO, GA; 1930 United States Federal Census, Springfield, Effingham CO, GA; 1930 United States Federal Census, Bunnell, Flagler CO, FL; 1930 United States Federal Census, Renova Dist 30, Clinton CO, PA;
Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997; Alabama Death Index, 1908-1959; Florida Death Index, 1877-1998; Social Security Death Index; Florida Marriage Collection, 1927-2001; Texas Marriage Collection, 1966-2002; California Divorce Index, 1966-1984; Leonard Anderson Yelvington family update by Kevin Anderson Yelvington via email, 21 Jul 2022;
Craig Funeral Home On-Line Obituaries, Flagler CO, FL, 18 Dec 2008;
The Daytona Beach News-Journal, Daytona Beach, FL, 28 Oct 2000; The Flagler Tribune, Bunnell, FL, 22 Aug 1922, 21 Aug 1924, 18 Aug 1927, 27 Dec 1928, 13 Feb 1930, 17 Jul 1930, 31 Mar 1932, 30 May 1935, 05 Aug 1937, 28 Aug 1939, 04 Jan 1940, 03 Oct, 1940, 22 Jul 1943, 30 Aug 1945, 22 Feb 1951, 06 Nov 1952, 18 Jun 1953, 20 Aug 1953, 25 Feb 1954, 02 Dec 1954, 02 Oct 1957, 19 Jun 1958, 21 May 1959, 08 Dec 1960, 27 Sep 1962, 14 Feb 1964, 19 May 1966, 08 Jun 1967, 26 Oct 1967, 24 Jul 1969, 04 Jun 1970, 02 Jul 1970, 20 May 1971, 11 Nov 1971, 03 Aug 1972, 21 Dec 1972, 11 Apr 1974, 24 Oct 1983 and The Flagler/Palm Coast News-Tribune, Palm Coast, FL, 25 Jul 2007.
Please send questions, corrections or additions to Sisco Deen, P.O. Box 637, Flagler Beach, FL 32136 or email him at