Glenn James Miller

March 16, 1944


Eleven men from here went to Camp Blanding Monday for their physical examination and acceptance or rejection for service. Only one was rejected.

Those accepted for service are Clark Luke, William Bryan, Jimmie Hargett, Harold McAlexander, JAMES MILLER, Virgil Decker, Herbert Gray, Richard Cantrell, Joseph Dorenstreich, George Arnold Shamblen, Jr., and Hoke Cobb Minor.

Jimmie Hargett, Harold McAlexander and Herbert Gray are scheduled for navy, Cantrell for either army or navy, the others for the army except Shambled who was rejected.

Since Blanding is no longer a camp for induction, these men, when next called, will go to Atlanta, Ga. for induction. Since McAlexander and Hargett are in the last half of their senior year in high school, it is expected that they will be allowed to finish before being called into service.

Each of these men are Flagler county registrants except Gray, from Hastings; Minor from Georgia; and Dorenstreich from Brooklyn.

April 13, 1944

JAMES MILLER of Flagler Beach is scheduled to leave Friday for the Navy.

June 1, 1944

JAMES MILLER and Jack Tidwell of Flagler Beach have just completed their navy boot training at Camp Peary, Va., and are spending their leaves at their homes there.

JAMES MILLER, USN, S/2tc, who just completed boot training at Camp Peary, Williamsburg, Va., is home for a few days visiting his wife and two children and his mother, Mrs. George Bruner.