William Littledale (Billy) Wadsworth

July 15, 1943

Capt. WILLIAM L. (BILLY) WADSWORTH, who has been in the Panama Canal Zone for many months, is here on leave visiting his brothers, Lewis and Brady, and his mother, Mrs. Lotta Taylor at Hawthorne.

October 14, 1943

Capt. WILLIAM (BILLY) WADSWORTH who has been in the Canal Zone for several years, but has been here recently on a visit, was married the other day to Miss Frances Faulkner, first grade teacher in Bunnell school.

(Congratulations, Billy. We think you were really lucky for Frances is one of our favorite acquaintances). Capt. Wadsworth is now stationed at Fort Bragg, N. C

June 29, 1944

Congratulations to Capt. and Mrs. BILLIE WADSWORTH who now have a fine baby girl, born at Daytona Beach June 16. Capt. Wadsworth hasn't seen it yet, but hopes to about July 1.

May 17, 1945

Major WILLIAM (BILLY) WADSWORTH has been transferred to El Paso, Texas.