Joseph Charles (Buster) Walker

January 28, 1943

A letter received this week from Pvt. JOSEPH C. WALKER, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Walker, states that he is getting along fine and he is feeling good. He said "I have walked 30 miles in one day and could have gone farther. That is the shape I'm in." Charles said he was stationed on the Utah-Nevada state line at Wendover Field, Utah.

August 12, 1943

Another letter from Pete Barber who has been sent to Wendover Field, Utah. Pete said he was sent to Casper, Wyo., for an 8 weeks stay but remained only eight days. Pete is at the same field where CHARLES WALKER is stationed. Hope he runs into Charles.

December 9, 1943

Pvt. CHARLES WALKER, who recently arrived in England, has written his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Walker, saying he is getting along fine. He also requested that The Tribune he sent to him over there.

(OK, Buster, she's coming)

December 30, 1943

Pvt. JOSEPH C (CHARLES) WALKER writes from England to his parents here saying he is fine and that he misses The Tribune very much and hopes to soon be receiving it again (We have you name on the mailing list Charles, and we hope that the paper will soon catch up with you.

April 27, 1944

CHARLIE (BUSTER) WALKER who has been in England with his army outfit a number of months and in a hospital over there several months has been shipped to Fort Devens, Mass. hospital. He wrote his mother, Mrs. A. A. Walker, from Ft. Devens telling her not to write as he expects to be able to come home soon.

October 11, 1945

These reported to Flagler County Selective Service Board when discharged, but not all are living here..........