Bunnell, Florida
Thursday, December 10, 1942
John Franklin Houck, 49-year-old supervising principal of Bunnell schools, died suddenly Wednesday morning from acute indigestion.
Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon .at 2 o'clock from the First Methodist Church here with Rev. Paul Wagner, pastor of the Arlington Methodist Church, Jacksonville, officiating and assisted by Rev. R. A. Selby and Rev. W. K. McClure, pastors of the local Methodist and Baptist churches.
The body will be shipped Friday to Pennsylvania for burial in the family cemetery at York Springs, the former home of Mr. Houck, and will be accompanied by Lloyd Robertson, president of the Flagler County Chapter of Future Farmers of America.
Mr. Houck was educated at Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where he received his Bachelor of Science degree and the University of Florida at Gainesville where was awarded his Master's degree.
He came to Florida in 1925,and was principal of the schools at Crescent City, Moore Haven, Hastings and Bunnell. He was widely known in educational and literary circles, having published one or more volumes of poetry and contributed to an anthology of poems, which was published in 1941.
He is survived by one sister, Mrs. Frank L. Weigle of Heidlersburg, Pennsylvania.