Bunnell, Florida
Thursday, June 16, 1927


According to The Tribune reporter at Flagler Beach, a fatal accident occurred in that town Monday morning when L. T. McDonald was instantly killed by being electrocuted when he came in contact with one of the high tension wires of the Florida Power & Light Company.

The report stated that A. T. McDonald was an employee of the Phoenix Utility Company which has been installing the high tension lines at the beach.

The accident occurred about 11:45 Monday morning. Clarence Toler, U. S. Coast Guardsman stationed at Flagler Beach reached the scene of the accident and applied artificial respiration for 35 minutes, reporting that McDonald breathed for about three minutes before succumbing. Shortly after the accident the Daytona Beach fire department arrived with a pulmotor and aided by Dr. L. A. Carter all possible assistance was given without avail.

The body was carried to Daytona Beach, where the deceased is survived by his wife and five small children.