Bunnell, Florida
Thursday, September 23, 1924
One of Bunnell's most estimable women, Mrs. Sarah Partridge, wife of Rev. H. E. Partridge, pastor of the Methodist church here, died Tuesday morning at six o'clock at St. Luke’s Hospital, Jacksonville.
Mrs. Partridge had been ill only a short time, she having been stricken with a form of paralysis affecting the arms, Saturday evening, August 31. After a few days’ treatment here by a local physician who advised her removal to a hospital, she was transferred from her home here to St. Luke’s Hospital at Jacksonville. Shortly after her arrival there an operation was performed but it proved to be of no avail.
Mrs. Partridge is survived by her husband and eight children, all of whom were with her to the end.
Interment was at Monticello, Florida, the old home of the family.
The passing away of Mrs. Partridge has cast a gloom over the entire community. Although she had lived here but a few years, she was loved by all for her many virtues and true Christian 1ife. Mrs. Partridge was well known all over the entire state, having resided in many sections during Rev. Partridge's 50 years of ministry.
The sympathy of many friends goes out to Rev. Partridge and children ill the loss of one dearly beloved by all.
Bunnell, Florida
Thursday, October 23, 1924
Sarah Neilson Partridge was born in Barnwell, S. C., September 14, 1852; and died at Jacksonville, Florida, September 8, 1924. She came with her widowed mother, Mrs. J. H. Neilson, to Monticello, Florida, in 1868. There she was converted and joined the Methodist church in the fall of 1871, in a meeting conducted by the pastor, Rev. U. S. Bird, who was assisted by the young Wofford graduate, with whose life she later linked her own. She was married October 29, 1873, to Henry Edward Partridge, then in his second year in the Florida Conference. Thus began a life of Christian service and happy wedlock, which was to last through more than a half hundred years.
Mrs. Partridge was an attractive woman, beautiful in form and feature, whose personal characteristics added charm to her life. She was a devoted wife and mother and friend, and was a sincere lover of her Lord. She was full of good cheer; and even in the midst of suffering, she retained the spirit and hopefulness of youth. She had a long illness, and finally underwent a severe operation from which she could not recover. This good woman was the mother of eight children, five daughters and three sons, all of whom were present at the passing of their mother. Mrs. Ethel B. Hudson, Miss Frances H. Partridge, Henry E. Partridge, Jr., Mrs. Grace P. Hartridge, Mrs. Mortimer Johnson, Mrs. Mary Louise Starbuck, Paul W. and John N. Partridge. There are also twenty-six grandchildren and a great-grandchild.
The pastors of our Methodist churches in Jacksonville acted as an escort and as pallbearers from the residence to the depot. The body was laid to rest ill the family burying ground at Monticello, near that of her good mother.
Better than my own words are those of her devoted and bereaved companion, which I now quote: "Her conviction was deep, her commitment full, and her conversion definite. Later in life she sought and obtained the experience of perfect love. Never did she falter or shirk or complain of the requirements or difficulties of the work. Nor did she seek better places. She was uniformly cheerful, patiently toilful in the interests of her home and, as far as possible, of her church; and devotedly unselfish to those around her. She poured the wealth of her love and strength of her pure life into that itinerant's home; and her husband and eight children rise up to call her blessed. Her prime characteristics were sincerity, cheerfulness and faithfulness to obligations. She was not afraid to die; although the attack that took her from us was too sharp and full of pain to allow her to think much of going. Her life was, and still is, her best testimony. At St. Luke's Hospital, in the early morning of Monday, September eight, she slipped away from us to be forever with the Lord, and - please God - to await the coming of every one of her loved ones."
J. F. BELL, Palatka, Florida.