Bunnell, Florida
Thursday, February 13, 1941
John S. Newton, 89-year-old resident of Bunnell, died at his home on Deen Road at 4:15 o'clock last Friday afternoon from a. heart attack.
Although in failing health for a number of years, he was active until his death, having walked several blocks to the business section of town last Tuesday.
Mr. Newton was a native of England, but moved to LeClare, Iowa, when but three years of age. .
Before coming to Bunnell 18 years ago, he was a. resident of Cuba, living, in that country for 24 years.
Funeral services were held at the graveside Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, with Rev. R. P. Tomlinson, pastor of the local Baptist church, officiating. Burial was made in Espanola Cemetery.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. John S. Newton.
Pallbearers were: Matt Lewis, John Swain, J. L. Pellicer, F. L. Byrd, B; F. Davis and G. L. Biddle.