Bunnell, Florida
Thursday, January 3, 1929
Albert Smith, Negro, and an employee of Nixon Turpentine Company at Dinner Island in the northern part of Flagler County was found dead by another Negro Wednesday morning. According to officials of the sheriff's force the Negro had been dead a week or more when found.
An inquest was ordered, held, and in charge of F. A. Rich County Coroner. After a two-day session during which time many witnesses were called and examined, a verdict was rendered, stating that Smith came to his death by unknown person or persons.
After finding the dead body, two Negroes, Charlie Posley and John McDuffie were taken into custody as suspects but were released by the coroner's verdict. McDuffie went into the woods with Smith to cut wood, according to reports by Sheriff McKnight, McDuffie returning to the camp later without Smith.