Bunnell, Florida
March 4, 1920
Few, if any, losses by death in Putnam County, which has not only in the section, but throughout the county, of late, have had such a depressing effect upon the community as a whole, and has caused such widespread expressions of regret, as the death or Roy T. Smith, Monday morning at 7 o’clock. For, Roy as he was popularly called by those who were slightly acquainted with him, had a magnetic personality that drew one to him, a charm of open and undoubted friendship that could be read on his honest countenance. He was naturally a “good fellow” in the noblest sense of the phrase, and could not make an enemy if he tried. Of a happy and amiable disposition, he counted as his friends everybody who came in contact with him. As a clubman or as a businessman he was always at his best and wherever there was life there was Roy Smith.
In all he undertook he was an active and enthusiastic worker, as witness his long service with Chas. E. Rowton and his gradual but sure rise in the firm until it was incorporated when he was made secretary of the Chas. E. Rowton Company, having been with that concern for 11 years. He was particularly active member of the local Lodge B. P. O. Elks and a captain of the initiation team. He was also a member of the L. O. O. M.
Roy T. Smith was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and was born in Palatka 26 years ago last December.
Sunday, a week ago, he was taken ill with influenza which later developed into pneumonia. For two days he was hovering between life and death and Sunday afternoon it was seen there was little hope for his recovery. At night oxygen was administered and no doubt prolonged life for several hours, as at 7 or 8 o’clock that night it was considered the end was near.
The heartfelt grief and sympathy and condolence go to the bereaved father and mother, sister and brother.
The funeral was held from St. Monica’s Church Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock, interment in the Catholic cemetery where funeral service was conducted by the local lodge B. P. O. Elks.
The pallbearers were Hy Hutchinson, Jr., John Flinn, P. B. Huff, David Benbow, Kelly Reynolds and Frank Fernside, Jr. – Palatka Morning Post.
Mr. Smith was well and favorable known in this community and his demise will be greatly deplored by all who knew him.