Bunnell, Florida
Thursday, September 11, 1924
Pickney Stuckey, Florida pioneer, and one of the most widely known and highly esteemed residents of Flagler County, died at the home of his son, Leo at Ormond, Tuesday morning at seven o’clock. Although Mr. Stuckey has not been well for the past several months, his condition had been serious for about three weeks, his hundreds of friends in this community were anxiously hoping that he would rally, but everything that expert skill and careful nursing could do were without avail.
Mr. Stuckey spend the last twenty years at his home on the F.E.C. Canal, there he enjoyed the company of his wife and children, and where he was known as an hospitable and genial friend to the captains and other officers plying the canal in cargo and pleasure craft; to his many friends in this and nearby counties, who came to spend pleasant Sundays and were afforded the hospitality of a true southern gentleman.
Mr. Stuckey was born in North Carolina 72 years ago and came to Florida when a child of ten, settling in Green Cove Springs and afterward going further south to the Tomoka River District, where he engaged in a logging and cattle business. Here he married Miss Emma Jones of St. Augustine and twenty years ago they moved to the present home on the canal.
Mr. Stuckey was at all times patriotic. In 1917 he sold $30,000 worth of cattle and invested the amount in liberty bonds to aid the government. He also dismantled an old sugar mill on his property and turned the steel and iron and engines to the government when the call came for this material during the war.
Extensive acreage’s have been added to the home site as times went by, until the estate includes 640 acres, of which 600 acres are in St. Joseph property and includes the old Spanish sugar plantation and mill; 30 acres in citrus fruits and vegetables at Port Orange; 50 acres at Foxes’ Cut and 60 acres on which stands the attractive three-story home. The grounds around the home abound in citrus groves. Large herds of swine and cattle were run on this place.
There are ten children, eighteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren living to mourn the loss of an indulgent father and kind husband. Mr. Stuckey was of the staunch and true type of southern gentleman; who never forgets a friend nor a kindness; who cherishes a friendship to the end.
His death was very peaceful although for several days he had known the end was near, he never seemed to regret the fact.
Those who survive him are his wife, who is a sister of Mrs. Thaney Britt of Ormond; the children, Mrs. Nora Malphurs of St. Johns Park; Mrs. Bertha Strickland, Leo and Arthur of Ormond; William of Fort Lauderdale, and Ivey, Dewey, Jessie, Louis and Harry of Flagler County. Mr. Stuckey was of the Primitive Baptist belief and was buried in the churchyard of the Baptist Church at Ormond.
The sympathy of the community is extended to the grieved wife and children.