Bunnell, Florida
Thursday, June 5, 1941
Luther O. Upson, pioneer resident of Flagler Beach, died in a Daytona Beach hospital at 6:45 Thursday evening, May 29, following a short illness.
Mr. Upson, who was 68 years of age, was a native of Elmira, New York but had lived in Florida for many years. He resided in Daytona Beach before moving to Flagler Beach twenty eight years ago. He was a building contractor by trade and a member of the Methodist church.
Mr. Upson has been active in the building of Flagler Beach, being one of the first to settle on the beach side. He has served as a member of the City Commission or Mayor of Flagler Beach since the city was incorporated. He was chairman of the City Commission at the time of his death.
Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Ida Upson; two daughters, Mrs. James Rich of Daytona Beach, and Mrs. Barrett Emerson of Ormond Beach; six sons, L. O. Upson, R. C. Upson, R. D. Hart of Daytona Beach; L. W. Upson, J. J. Upson, and E. M. Hart of Flagler Beach. Also one brother, Dr. W. Q. Upson of Battle Creek, Michigan. Several grand children also survive.
Funeral services were held in the Baptist church of Flagler Beach at two o'clock Sunday afternoon with Rev. S. A. Wilson, pastor of the Methodist church of St. Augustine, in charge. He was assisted by Rev. Littleton, pastor of the Flagler Beach Baptist church. Burial was held in Hope Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Glenn Miller, N. E. Carter, Nathan Durrance, Luther Pike, Charles Owen, and Max Hart.