Bunnell, Florida
Thursday, November 16, 1933
William K. Vanderbilt, Jr., 26-year-old son of the famous New York family, was killed Wednesday at Ridgeland, S. C., when his speeding automobile ran into the rear of a truck loaded with fruit parked beside the highway. The truck belonged to A. B. Stavley of New Jersey, and who held blameless for the accident. The wreck occurred; it was said, on a straight, level stretch of highway.
Erskine Gwynne, relative and companion of Vanderbilt on the trip, suffered only minor injuries, but J. W. Guppy, Vanderbilt’s chauffer was taken to a Savannah hospital in serious condition.
Young Vanderbilt and the others in the party stopped here a short time Tuesday morning to have treated several minor cuts Vanderbilt suffered a few miles south of here when the automobile struck a flying buzzard, the bird hitting the windshield with sufficient force to shatter it, the flying particles of glass inflicting cuts on Vanderbilt’s face and head.