Bunnell, Florida
Thursday, March 21, 1935


Mrs. Rebecca Pellicer, 82-year-old pioneer woman of this county, died at six this morning after a lingering illness. Although death was expected it was a shock to her many friends in this and nearby counties in Florida and in Georgia.

Mrs. Pellicer was a native of our neighboring state of Georgia but has lived nearly all of her life here, rais­ing a large family, maintaining her home and keeping a courageous spirit, sunny disposition and cheerful philos­ophy regarding life in general.

She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. I. H. Frier and Mrs. J. B. White of this place; five sons, C. E., J. L., J. E., P. P., all of Bunnell and P.J. of Maryland.

She has three daughters and one son dead, but in addition to those yet living she is survived by 24 grandchildren and one great-grandson, Joe White. Her husband died in 1915. The body was placed in charge of Kee and McCabe of St. Augustine.

Funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at Pellicer Creek cemetery with Rev. J. E. Jenkins, pastor of the local Methodist church, officiating. Paul bearers are her grandsons, and are as follows: Mayhue Frier, Hubert Frier, Fred White, Spencer White, Leroy Pellicer, and Claude Pellicer.