Bunnell, Florida
Thursday, February 11, 1954
Frank Zic, winter resident of Flagler Beach, died suddenly about 4:30 Tuesday afternoon in his apartment on Central Ave. at 4th St. Mr. and Mrs. Zic have spent the past four winters here. He was a cousin of Mrs. Nettie Brusick, 9th St.
Native of Yugoslavia, he has lived in Wilson, Pa. since coming to the United States in 1911. He was 62 years of age and a member of the Catholic Church.
He is survived by his wife, Anne; one daughter, Mrs. Frances Price, Wilson, Pa.; two sons, Frank, Jr., Wilson, Pa., and Edward of Pittsburgh, Calif.; two brothers in the United States, Anton of New York City, and Father Paul, a priest, of Wheeling, Wisconsin. His mother, several brothers and sisters survive in Yugoslavia. Also surviving are two grandchildren.
Baggett-McIntosh Funeral Directors of Daytona Beach are in charge of arrangement for shipping the body to Wilson, Pa. where, funeral services will be held Saturday.
A son, Frank, Jr., arrived here Tuesday night by plane to accompany the family and remains to their home.