Daytona Beach, Florida
Monday, October 30, 1923

Edward D Johnson's Body Discovered Trussed in Wire

FLAGLER BEACH, Oct 30 - - With an insulated wire drawn tightly around his neck and a second one around his waist, Edward D Johnson, 28, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson, was found dead on the third floor of the family home, "Bon Terra Estates," at noon yesterday. Death was due to strangulation.

Speculation as to whether young Johnson had committed suicide was heard here and in Bunnell today. Friends of the Johnsons said so far as they knew the young man had no enemies. Adjournment of a coroner's jury after a hasty examination, however, was taken to mean that some doubt was entertained as to the manner of death.

The boy's father is chairman of the board of county commissioners in Flagler county and chairman of the Ocean Shore boulevard district board.


Young Johnson is said by members of the family to have arrived home about midnight Saturday night and to have gone to his room. At noon yesterday when he had not come downstairs, his father went to the third floor, and found his lifeless body suspended by the electric wires from a trap door in the ceiling of the third floor room. He had been dead some hours. A coroner's jury was summoned.

Because of the illness of M Stone, justice of the peace, Judge H. A. Eisenbach served as coroner. After examining the body the jury adjourned subject to the call of the judge when a decision as to the cause of death will be rendered. Johnson was unmarried and made his home with his parents and one sister, Miss Lillian Johnson. He is survived also by two brothers P. F. and M. .L Johnson, Bunnell.


Edward D Johnson came here with his parents in 1913 and up to the time of his death was overseer of the Johnson estate. He was considered by those who knew him as considerable of a genius and was fond of experimenting with radios and other electric equipment. At the time of his death he was said to have been working on radio telephony. There was no electric current available in connection with the wires encircling his body at the time it was found, according to the coroner.

The body has been placed in charge of the Bingham and Maley company, Daytona Beach. Funeral services will be held from the family home north of here at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon with Rev C M Sanford officiating. Interment will be in the Flagler Beach cemetery.

Bunnell, Florida
Thursday, November 2, 1933

Edwin Johnson, 28-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson of Bon Terra Estates, located several miles north of Flagler Beach on the Ocean Shore boulevard, was found dead by members of the family Sunday morning when they went to awaken him. The body was found suspended in a mass of tangled wires which hung from a trap door opening onto the roof of the Johnson home.

An inquest was held Sunday afternoon, the jury, however, as not returned a verdict yet. According to information obtained from others, it is generally believed that death came accidentally, it being surmised that young Johnson went to the roof to repair a radio antennae and returning from the roof into the attic of the home the heavy trap door fell, striking him hard enough to bring unconsciousness, the body falling into the wires and apparently strangled out his life without him regaining consciousness.

He is survived by his parents, two brothers, Malcom and Phillip and one sister, Lillo, all of whom reside here.

Funeral services were held from the residence Tuesday afternoon at three o’clock and burial was made at Hope Cemetery. Rev. C. M. Samford, pastor of the local Methodist church, conducted the services.