Orlando, Florida
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Born in Miami, Florida, to James Alfred McDowall and Lota Holland McDowall. She attended Miami High School and Florida State College for Women. She was a Cheerleader at both schools.
She was a legal secretary in Flagler County where she med David Franklin Cowan, on duty with the Coast Guard. They corresponded during World War II and married on Nov. 30, 1947, when she took on a new career; wife and mother. She was always there for her husband and children. She never left the house unless it was clean and she was dressed and made up. She worked tirelessly in the PTA and was a member of the Sorosis Club.
She left a wonderful legacy for her family, telling them to remember what their ancestors did for our country. She was descended from some of the founding fathers, including John Witherspoon, who signed the Declaration of Independence, and William Bradford, Governor of the Plymouth Colony.
She set a great example on how to live and give to others. After her son died, she wrote letters of comfort to mothers who had also lost children. She and her husband were members of the Country Club of Orlando. She was a member of First United Methodist Church for over 50 years, where she taught Sunday School.
She is predeceased by her husband, David Franklin Cown and her son, Douglas Lindsay Cowan.
She is survived by daughter Kimberly Cowan Prevatt, and son and daughter-in-law Dr. Dave and Amanda Aubry Cowan, all of Orlando.
She is also survived by her beloved grandchildren: Frank Howard Prevatt, Jr. and his wife Dianna of Vancouer, Washington; John Douglas Prevatt, Orlando; Katharine Lindsay Cowan French and her husband Berry of Durham, North Carolina; Anna Rosalie Cowan, and David Franklin Cowan, III both of Orlando