Bunnell, Florida
Thursday, March 10, 1960
Earl Moody of New Smyrna Beach, member of one of the pioneer families of Bunnell, died Monday afternoon at the Holly Hill Osteopathic Hospital.
He had been a patient there one week, receiving treatment after suffering a stroke. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Bob Moody of Bunnell.
Mr. Moody had resided in New Smyrna Beach for the past three years and was owner and manager of The Prescription Center there. He moved there from Tavenier where he had also operated a drug store. He was a pharmacist and had worked in St. Augustine, Gainesville, and for many years at a drug store in the St. James Building in Jacksonville.
He was a member of the Florida State Pharmaceutical Association, Elks Florida Keys Lodge 1872 of Tavenier, Civitan International, and the Chamber of Commerce of New Smyrna. He was 52 years of age.
He is survived by his wife, Billie Whitcomb Moody; two sisters, Mrs. Jennie Black, Bunnell, and Mrs. Don Kane of Jacksonville; two brothers, D. D. Moody and Robert Moody of Bunnell. Also surviving is a stepdaughter, Mrs. Roger Stevens of St. Augustine, and one grandchild.
A prayer service was held at the chapel of The Dudley Funeral Home in New Smyrna Beach at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening with Rev. John E. Pickens, Jr., pastor of the Christ Congrega¬tional Church, officiating.
Funeral services were held at the. First Methodist Church of Bunnell at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon with Rev. Pickens and the pastor, Rev. W. L. Spicer, Jr. officiating. Burial followed in the family lot at the Espanola Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Dr. E. Paul Davis, Thomas J. Corbe, T. E. Holden, G. S. Anderson, F. C. Whitcomb and B. J. Whitcomb, Jr.