Daytona Beach, Florida
Friday, April 7, 1989 

KORONA- Roy W. Way, 53, Old Dixie Highway, a truck driver for James R. Dills Construction Co., died Wednesday as the result of injuries sustained in an accident on Interstate 85 near the 11th Street overpass. 

Mr. Way was born in Waukegan, Ill., and moved to Flagler County 45 years ago from Grayslake, Ill. 

Survivors include his mother, Janet Way, Korona; a brother, Harvey, Korona; and five sisters, Rose Ann Galbreath, Ormond Beach, Carolyn Smith, Haw Creek, Dorothy Patilla, East Palatka, Linda Edwards, Korona, and Mary Odom, Holly Hill. 

Craig, Bunnell, is in charge.