Bunnell, Florida
Thursday, March 12, 1931

Burleigh Browning, age 49, and a resident of Bunnell for the past five years, was run down and killed tonight by an automobile near the intersection of Dixie highway and Lambert Street while walking along the highway on the way home. Albert Johnston, also a resident of Bunnell, was driving the car which struck Browning.

According to evidence introduced at the coroner’s inquest, held shortly after the accident, Johnston was driving north and meeting a car coming south with bright headlights, while Browning was walking on the right side of the highway. Mr. Johnston stated that he was unable to see Mr. Browning because of the glaring headlights from the approaching car. It was stated that Johnston had dimmed lights when the car struck the man.

The car traveling south did not slow down, but Johnston stopped his car immediately and stayed with the dead man until the coroner’s court was convened. The jury exonerated Johnston of the killing, the verdict stated that the accident was unavoidable.

The dead man is survived by his widow, three children, Mary Elizabeth, Burleigh, Jr. and Margaret of this place; a mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Browning of Odon, Ind., and several brothers.