Bunnell, Florida
Thursday, January 12, 1950 

Mrs. Sophia Hance, 63, wife of C. D. Hance of Bunnell, died early today in the East Coast Hospital in St. Augustine after an illness of three weeks. Mrs. Hance underwent a major surgical operation in the hospital on December 27.

She was born in New York City but has been a resident of Bunnell for more than 30 years. She was a member of the Eastern Star and the Royal Neighbors of America.

Surviving are her husband, C. D. Hance of Bunnell; three sisters, Mrs. William Schnell of Irvington, N. J.; Mrs. Robert Cakner of Millburn, N. J.; and Mrs. Leonard Lane of New Haven, Conn.; one brother, John Geiger of Newark, N. J.

Funeral arrangements are not complete, pending the arrival of relatives.

Carl Davis and Sons of Palatka are in charge.